Using MWEB (Mimble Wimble with Extension Blocks) is super easy. It feels like sending any other Litecoin transaction. Currently, MWEB is up and running on Litecoin Core. On Litecoin Core, you can create an MWEB receive address (you can't miss it) and paste it into the send field box to create your first MWEB transaction. You hit send and it reaches the destination just like any Litecoin transaction. I recently went through this experience to try it out. I sent .02 LTC to an MWEB receive address using Litecoin Core. It was easy, it was super easy. The MWEB address type is unmistakable and quite lengthy.

I wanted to send it back to the "main chain" to complete the square to see how that looked as well. Or if there were any nuances. Nope, no problems. Again, felt very natural. I completed the transactions within seconds and without any problems. It took minimal research. The point is, you can send to and from MWEB addresses very easily.
Much easier, in my opinion, than sending/receiving your first lightning transaction. Lightning is a much different process with more steps/procedures. There are conversions with some hefty fees (well, at least on Bitcoin they are). Why does Litecoin MWEB feel like a much more natural experience? Because MWEB is an extension block, not a 2nd layer solution. Because it is an extension block it uses the established Litecoin network to process the transaction. I won't get into all the details (I'm not a super-coder), but this is very different than a 2nd layer solution like Lightning. No hate for lightning here, I'm just saying this was easier, especially for beginners. And I could be wrong, but I believe the mining fees to send to and from MWEB are the same or about the same as a typical Litecoin fee. Good! There is also something called cut-through which might make MWEB even more scalable than on-chain Litecoin, but I think the network effect has to grow in size to do an accurate assessment of that possible scenario.
Litecoin MWEB feels very natural and the user experience is easy. No tags, no invoices, and no crazy procedures, and the MWEB address type is unmistakable. It says LTC MWEB to begin the address. You pretty much can't mess it up. What happens when you post an MWEB address into a Litecoin Explorer? It comes up with nothing. This is privacy. This is fungibility. The following are the transactions that occurred when I sent to and from an MWEB address. Pretty neat!

"Unknown Script Type" This is what comes up when you are looking at the transactions. It's like a black hole portal. Stuff goes in, stuff comes out. But you can't see any of it. You could send it from an MWEB address to another MWEB address to another MWEB, and nobody could see it. It's just... Cool! On-chain troll detectives who live in their parent's basements can probably piece together who sent what transactions right now, but as MWEB grows, no way. It would analogous to a single person in a crowd of 10,000 people dropping a nickel. You may find the nickel a day later but wouldn't have any clue who the original owner of that nickel was. It's not perfect privacy, but it's pragmatically and practically perfect.
Right now MWEB is only running on Litecoin Core, but in the future MWEB will hopefully be running on a number of popular mobile wallets. When that happens, that crowd will get bigger and it will be practically impossible to figure out who is doing what transactions. It's too jumbled, too confusing, and too mixed up. Like picking a single water molecule out of an above-ground pool of water. Not happening. Plus why would the on-chain Scooby Doo detectives desire to do that anyways... MWEB is easy, MWEB is growing, and MWEB is great. Good job Litecoin! Take that, Bitcoin!